51 Free Script for After Effect CC 2019 ✪After Effect CC 2019 51 سيناريوا مجاني ل

✋ Hello everyone ✋
Hi friends ! This is "DIAMOND BOUBOU" for a new tutorial in which I will show you how to Install the 51 scripts for After Effect CC 2019 for free
A script is a series of commands that forces an application to execute a series of operations. You can use scripts in most Adobe applications to automate repetitive tasks, perform complex calculations, and even access certain features that the user interface does not provide directly. For example, you can have After Effects modify the order of layers in a publication, find and replace source text in text layers, or send an e-mail message after rendering.
After Effects scripts use the Adobe ExtendScript language, which is an advanced form of JavaScript. ExtendScript file names have the extension .jsx or .jsxbin.
For a description of scripting features with After Effects, see the After Effects Scripting Guide, available in the After Effects Developer Center section.
Contains 51 Scripts :
rd: Approximate rd: Average Trackers rd: Batch Layer Converter
rd: Batch Vector to Shape rd: Commentron rd: Composition Renamer
rd: Composition Setter (updated) rd: Comp Sheet rd: Copy Comp Markers
rd: Copy Markers rd: Count Markers rd: Divvy Up
rd: Donate rd: Edit Text rd: Expression Tweaker
rd: Fumes rd: Get Smart rd: Gimme Prop Info
rd: Gimme Prop Path rd: Gimme Props rd: Guess What
rd: Key Markers rd: Kinda Sorta rd: Map Text File to Markers
rd: Marker Navigator rd: Masks to Shapes rd: Movement
rd: New Parallax Null rd: New Project From Comp rd: Notation
rd: Partial rd: Picker Switcher rd: Pre-compose
rd: Preservation rd: Que Es Span Null rd: Rampart
rd: Remove Keys rd: Remove Markers rd: Render Layers
rd: Reverse Masks Order rd: Scooter rd: Script Launcher
rd: Shapes to Masks rd: Shifter rd: Simple Console
rd: Slicer rd: Snap Decisions rd: Solid Renamer
rd: Split Render rd: Statesman rd: Watermark

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