How to recover lost space on an external hard drive ✪ كيفية استعادة المساحة المفقودة على القرص الصلب الخارجي
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✋ Good morning all ✋ ✋ السلام عليكم ✋
Hi friends ! This is "diamond boubou" for a new tutorial in which I will show you how to recover lost space on an external hard drive, its original size after making it bootable or due to improper handling.
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External hard drives are hard drives mounted in enclosures that allow them to be connected to computers through their interface. Inside the box is therefore a hard drive.
A hard drive is made up of several metal, ceramic ... discs stacked one above the other around a motor axis. The reading and writing are done by the read / write heads which are electromagnets (the information of the plate is done by electric pulses created by the read / write head).
Concretely, the heads are lowered and raised a few microns from the surface, this mechanism is created by the ultra fast rotation of the disc creating an air layer between the plates and the read heads. The read heads move sideways. When you turn off your hard drive, the read heads are placed in an area of the hard drive where they cannot be damaged: this is called parking, it is the click you hear when the hard drive turns off. Thus in the event of impact the heads and surfaces of the hard disk will be protected.
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✪ Music used in this video : الموسيقى المستخدمة في هذا الفيديو
☺ ☺ Gears of Steel [Camtasia Audio Library]
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☺ Take care of yourself and see you next time ☺