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How to Fix Photoshop Error: Could not complete your request because of a program error 💻 كيفية إصلاح خطأ الفوتوشوب: تعذر إكمال طلبك بسبب خطأ في البرنامج

How to Fix Photoshop Error: Could not complete your request because of a program error 💻  كيفية إصلاح خطأ الفوتوشوب: تعذر إكمال طلبك بسبب خطأ في البرنامج


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✋ Good morning all ✋ ✋ السلام عليكم ✋

Hi friends ! This is "diamond boubou" for a new tutorial in which I will show you how to How to Fix Photoshop Error:" Could not complete your request because of a program error".

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-update-: There maybe multiple reasons this generic error shows up. This resolution is that the one that fixed it on behalf of me specifically. If this doesn't work for you, you'll be coping with another issue. If you have got tried my solution and it doesn't work but have figured it out a distinct way, please share in comments below so hopefully it can help the subsequent person :-) Thanks! 

Did you encounter a "Could not complete your request due to a program error." appear while you were trying to create changes or save a PSD in Adobe Photoshop? this is often definitely a bug in Photoshop that's annoying and doesn't provide much to travel off in terms of troubleshooting. While there can be many reasons for this error to occur, one amongst the common reasons is that the PSD you're working with uses a distinct Type Engine than what your Photoshop is ready to control on. so as to resolve this problem so you'll save to the PSD, you'd move to Edit / Preferences / Type and alter the kind Engine from East Asian to geographic area and restart Photoshop.
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🎶 Music used in this video : الموسيقى المستخدمة في هذا الفيديو
🎵 Gears of Steel [Camtasia Audio Library]

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👁️ You can also see : يمكنك مشاهدة أيضا 👁️

🏷️ Pro Shaders 2 + BackLight + Motion Design 2    : http://exe.io/pr3H0b4
🏷️ Element 3D V2.2 for After Effect 2020 for Free : http://exe.io/1NQJmF
🏷️ Heat Distortion Plugin For After Effect        : http://exe.io/84ASx6G
🏷️ Optical flares + 200 Optical Presets           : http://exe.io/WlUNZs

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                                          💕 Thank you for watching this Tutorial 💕
                                       ☺ Take care of yourself and see you next time ☺
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