How to Get Element 3D V2.2 for After Effect 2020 for Free 💻 احصل على Element 3D V2.2 لـ After Effect 2020 مجانًا
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How to Get Element 3D V2.2 for After Effect 2020 for Free 💻 احصل على Element 3D V2.2 لـ After Effect 2020 مجانًا
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✋ Good morning all ✋ ✋ السلام عليكم ✋
Hi friends ! This is "diamond boubou" for a new tutorial in which I will show you how to Get Element 3D V2.2 for After Effect 2020 for Free.
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Element 3D LE plugin to manage 3D in After Effects
Element 3D is the name of a paid plugin, created by VideoCopilot that allows you to work with 3D objects within After Effects. The main advantage of Element 3D is that you don't have to learn full 3D software to work in After Effects in 3D. It is therefore a tool easier to understand than Cinema 4D (despite the CineWare gateway implemented by Adobe and Maxon). Element 3D is therefore the perfect After Effects companion for all your 3D Motion Design work.
The current version is Element 3D V2 which released on December 2, 2014.
✅ What is Element 3D capable of?
Here are the main features of Element 3D in After Effects:
🔹 A fast and intuitive interface.
🔹 The possibility of importing 3D objects in OBJ, C4D format and even animated sequences in OBJ.
🔹 Ability to deform your 3D objects (add noise, distortion, a large number of deformations).
🔹 The ability to assign and adjust directly in Element 3D shaders with real physical properties, textures, lights, HDRI reflection maps of high resolution (8K).
🔹 Possibility to play with transfer modes, extrusion or advanced bevels.
🔹 Display in realistic rendering or and Wireframe.
🔹 Support for SSS (Sub Surface Scattering).
🔹 Advanced shadow management.
🔹 3D rendering in After Effects with a lot of adjustments and the possibility of animating your 3D objects in After Effects directly!
This list is not exhaustive, but allows you to quickly see the interest of this plugin. Element 3D is accompanied by additional products:
👉 BackLight: a collection of high-resolution environment and light HDRIs.
👉 Pro Shaders 2: a collection of 300 ultra realistic shaders.
👉 Motion Design 2: a collection of ready-to-use, mechanical-oriented 3D objects.
Many other thematic template packs that will save you precious time!
Element 3D V2 is chargeable; you will have to pay the sum of $ 199.95 for the full version. Attractively priced bundles are also available on the VideoCopilot site.
• After Effects CS5 and up
• Windows 7 SP1 & up
• Mac 10.8.5 & up
• JPEG 8-bit
• PNG 8-bit 16-bit
• After Effects layers can be used up to 32bpc
• C4D R12 & up
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🔗 DOWNLOAD LINKS : رابط التحميل ✪
Element 3D V2.2 for After Effect 2020 for Free 💻 MEDIAFIRE Download Link
diamond boubou Tutorial
Ko حجم الملف 298 317
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Element 3D V2.2 for After Effect 2020 for Free 💻 MEGA Download Link
diamond boubou Tutorial
Ko حجم الملف 298 317
إذا لم يتم تنزيله تلقائيًا ، فيرجى النقر على إعادة التنزيل. وإذا كان الرابط معطلاً ، فيرجى الإبلاغ عبر صفحة نموذج الاتصال في هذه المدونة.
🎶 Music used in this video : الموسيقى المستخدمة في هذا الفيديو
🎵 Gears of Steel [Camtasia Audio Library]
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