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how to disable cotona in windows 10 pro 2020 �� كيفية تعطيل cotona في وين...

how to disable Cortana in windows 10 pro 2020-كيفية تعطيل cotona في ويندوز 10 برو 2020

how to disable Cortana in windows 10 pro 2020-كيفية تعطيل Cortana في ويندوز 10 برو 2020

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✋ Good morning all ✋ ✋ السلام عليكم ✋

Hi friends ! This is "diamond boubou" for a new tutorial in which I will show you how to deactivate cortana on windows 10.

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Cortana Application is the name of the intelligent personal assistant developed by Microsoft for its Windows Phone platform from version 8.1 and now on Windows 10. Cortana also exists on Android and iOS in the form of an application and is integrated with the CyanogenMod system. Wikipedia
Available in: English, French, Chinese languages ​​(standard Mandarin), German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese

► What is Cortana?
Cortana is Microsoft's personal productivity assistant, saving you time and focusing your attention on what's important.
To get started, select the Cortana icon in the taskbar. If you don't know what to say, try asking, "What can you do? "
Here are some of the things Cortana can do for you:
👉🏽 Manage your calendar and keep yourself informed of your schedule.
👉🏽 Join a meeting in Microsoft Teams or find out who is attending your next meeting.
👉🏽 Create and manage lists.
👉🏽 Set reminders and alarms.
👉🏽 Look up definitions and information.
👉🏽 Open the applications on your computer.

► Activate the "Hey Cortana" mode
Open Cortana, select Settings, and then under Talk to Cortana, switch the button to On.

✏️ Note
Cortana is only available in certain countries / regions, and some of its features are not available everywhere. A list of Cortana regions and languages ​​is available

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🎶 Music used in this video : الموسيقى المستخدمة في هذا الفيديو
🎵 Gears of Steel [Camtasia Audio Library]

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                                       ☺ Take care of yourself and see you next time ☺


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